Dec 1, 2023
Change in summer camp schedule

Change in JKR Summer Camp Pick up Schedule for 2024

Hello JKR Camp Families!
We are so grateful for your partnership in sending kids to camp! For 2024, we are making a change to our schedule. All resident camp sessions longer than Mini Camp will now end on Friday afternoon at 1:30pm instead of Saturday morning. Mini Camp pickup will remain the same. We understand change is tough and that taking time off work on a Friday afternoon to pick up your child from camp will be a challenge. We do not make this change lightly.

The reason we are making the change is for the physical and mental health of our summer staff. With this change, our wonderful, hardworking camp counselors will have two nights to sleep in their home beds in between camp sessions to rest, recover, and be ready to welcome a new set of campers. Many camps around Texas and around the country have moved to Friday pick up and have reported a decrease in staff fatigue and days lost to illness as well as an increase in staff energy and patience.

Because we are making this change which shortens the camp stay by one night, we will not be raising prices this year for our overnight camps. Our goal, as always, is to create the opportunity for campers to have the best experience they can at camp. Thank you for partnering with us and sending your kids to camp! Please reach out if you have questions about this schedule change.